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Personalized Pacifiers

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A few weeks ago my littlest little man started daycare in anticipation of my maternity leave coming to an end. While I was gethering the items he would need to keep there, I decided to personalize his pacifiers with adhesive vinyl (affiliate link) in hope that they would get mixed up with the other little babies.

(Can I get a collective “ewwwwww!”)

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I started out with two plain, if not a little bright, pacifiers.

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I measured the width of the oval on the front of the pacifiers and used my Silhouette to cut out my son’s name in white vinyl that would easily fit on each pacy.

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I used some vinyl tranfer paper to put the name on each pacifier.

And because little hands can get busy very quickly I wanted to give the vinyl some extra protection from getting picked off. So I added a very light coat of Mod Podge.

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Now the letters are there to stay and hopefully only my son will be using them!

>> See where I party! <<

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Cara Marshall

Thursday 3rd of March 2022

What kind of vinyl? Is it toxic. I am new to Cricut, but have read that when doing plates, glasses and such, you have to be careful, because vinyl is toxic. I had someone reach out to me about this and was scared to make them. Help! Meaning no disrespect, just trying to learn. Also could you put a laminate on to keep it safe?

Stacey Harmon

Saturday 4th of August 2012

Is the mod podge safe if they turn the pacy around and chew on the letters, I love the idea and in the process of making them now?

Michele {The Scrap Shoppe}

Sunday 19th of August 2012

Hi Stacey! Just like any glue, you probably do now want it in your child's mouth. That being said, for small babies this is fine because they don't have the motor skills to take the pacy out and play with it. I wouldn't use it for toddlers. :)


Tuesday 23rd of August 2011

This is such a great idea! I need to go buy some vinyl. I hope you will link this up to my Delight Me party over at Doodles & Doilies!


Monday 22nd of August 2011

It turned out so cute! I'm co-hosting a link party and I'd love it if you'd come link up on Wednesday at

See you soon!

Rose and Heather

Sunday 21st of August 2011

What a wonderful idea! We would love to have you come link up with us on Tuesday, Crafty Lassie Tuesday.... We will also be doing a give away.Thanks so much!Heather &

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