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Brown Sugar Body Scrub

I was recently reading on another blog (I can’t for the life of me remember which one – I visit too many!) that the blogger had found a recipe on a sugar website to make your own body scrub out of brown sugar and a few other ingredients. Color me intrigued! I decided to investigate…

What I found was 3 recipes on the C&H Sugar website: one for Sweet N’ Spicy Brown Sugar Scrub, one for White Cane Glimmer Sugar Scrub, and one for Brown Sugar Body Scrub.

I decided to try my hand at the Sweet N’ Spicey Brown Sugar Scrub. I have an aunt that I always find difficult to buy for. If this turns out, she’ll be getting some under the Christmas tree!

1 cup – C&H® Dark or Light Brown Sugar
1 cup – C&H® Pure Cane Sugar
¾ cup – almond oil
2 tsp. – cinnamon, powdered
2 tsp. – ginger, powdered
2 tsp. – nutmeg, powdered
1 16 oz. – glass container with lid
Cinnamon sticks, optional

I had read on that other blog that the almond oil could be difficult to find and that regular EVOO would be a suitable substitute. When I hit the baking aisle at the grocery store I found that, indeed, the almond oil was not going to be found. I did find some apple oil, but upon reading the label discovered it was just EVOO with an apple peel in it. I wanted something that had a good aroma so I decided to try the bath aisle.

Jackpot! I happened across some foaming bath oil scented with lavendar. Now I’m set!

IMG 4559Since I was using the lavendar oil, I changed my recipe up a bit. Just 3 ingredients: the oil, brown sugar, and pure cane sugar. And you can see I’m using generic brands. They work just as well and save you a few cents.

IMG 4561First things first, I mixed my two sugars. Then I added the oil and mixed it in. I found that by adding 3/4 a cup of oil to a cup of brown sugar mixed with a cup of pure cane sugar left me with a body scrub that seem awfully thin. So I just added more of each sugar to thicken it up. Probably about another cup to a cup and a half of each. As you can see in the picture on the far right, the substance started to thicken up a bit as it dripped off of the spoon.

IMG 4566This made a LOT of body scrub! Plenty for my aunt and a little left over for me.

IMG 4567Here you can see that my 3/4 of a cup of the oil did not really cut into my overall stash. I can make this several times over!

IMG 4568I decorated the jar I’m going to give my aunt. A piece of round paper up top with the edges inked to distress it, covered with a couple of pieces of sheer green ribbon. More ribbon wrapped around the jar with a slot to put a spoon for dipping out the body scrub. A small tag letting my aunt know what this substance is and directions on how to use it. And a Melissa Francis vintage label from my stash was perfect to go on the front of my jar.

IMG 4571Here is a close up of my label. Too perfect! And to make the slot for the spoon I simply tied the ribbon in a knot around the jar then loosely tied another knot around the spoon. Since I left it loose, the spoon could move easily in and out of the slot.

So let’s talk money for a minute:
jar: $3.99
spoon: $1.47
bath oil: $3.99
brown sugar: $1.49
pure cane sugar: $1.99
TOTAL: $12.93 -> Not to mention the fact that I have enough ingredients to make at least twice again what I already have. I would just have to get more jars and spoons. I consider the paper and ribbon used as scrap since they came from things already laying about.

Can I just share with you how much this stuff retails for?? How about $65 according to the Fresh website.

I don’t own the expensive stuff to compare my homemade scrub to, but I did give my stuff a go in the shower and, let me tell you, my skin felt divine afterwards. I’ll be making more of this for myself in the future!

The only thing I might add to this, if I can find some, would be some actual dried lavender. Just to rest inside the jar atop the scrub. Purely for visual purposes. 🙂

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Saturday 29th of January 2011

I love making my own scrubs! They're such great gifts, so easy and customizable!!

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