Obviously I’ve been living under a rock. And not a small little pebble, but more like a giant boulder.
I’ve seen crafty people all over blogland refashioning plain old t-shirts into super cute new creations using fabric rosettes. Ocassionally they share an inspiration shirt from an online catalog.
But seriously, I didn’t realize exactly how big this craze is out there in department store world!
I made my 1st ever visit to Stein Mart (yes, I said my 1st. yes, I know you’re rolling your eyes at me. yes, i’m sure I’ve completely exasperated you by now! lol!) a few weeks ago. Can I just tell you I hit the motherload? I found TONS of cute clothes and jewelry that I just gobbled up. Its officially my new favorite store.
And what was the main thing I noticed while there?
Rosettes everywhere on everything!
(all above images are from Anthropologie except for the last one in the bottom right corner, it is from IreneLim.com)
I honestly do not have time to shop around online for clothes, don’t keep up with the latest trends, and obviously shop in all the wrong places when I do get to do some personal shopping.
Now I see why I’ve seen all these awesome t-shirt refashions around the blogosphere! It was like a big slap in the face to wake up. lol!
So, why am I sharing all this with you?
*begin singsong voice*
You’ll find out on Sunday!!
*/end singsong voice*
Oh, and I promise to try and be a little more hip and keep up with this fashion thing a little better.
Dana @ The Coupon Challenge
Friday 23rd of July 2010
Thanks for stopping by-following you back!
Great products!
Thursday 22nd of July 2010
{I cannot wait for Sunday!} - That was MY singsong voice!!!
I need a shirt refashion that is easy enough that I think I can tackle.... I can't wait to see what you come up with!!!
Tammy@ Not Just Paper and Glue
Thursday 22nd of July 2010
Wow! These are beautiful!
Thursday 22nd of July 2010
I'm so excited to see! Can't wait...
The Answer Is Chocolate
Thursday 22nd of July 2010
Tease! Making us wait until Sunday! I love Steinmart. We don't have one where I live and I yell at the TV when I see their ads lol.