Now that I have a few sewing projects under my belt (DIY Trick or Treat Bags, DIY Dinosaur Jackets, Superhero Toddler Scarf) I feel more confidant pursuing projects when I see something I like and think I can make. Infinity scarves are all the rage right now, and I convinced myself I could make them! I have a HUGE remnant stash that I’ve been collecting hoarding since before I taught myself to sew last year. This is the perfect project for them!
If you’re a beginner seamstress like myself, this project should take about 20 minutes from start to finish for one scarf. I made 7 in one day a couple of weeks ago. I was on a roll! For me, measuring and cutting takes the longest. And, of course, ironing can be time consuming if it needs to be done. Some of my fabrics did, some did not.
For my first infinity scarf I followed my friend Bev’s instructions at Flamingo Toes.
I used a lightweight denim paired with an eyelet lace style cotton and white puckered polyester. I pieced these fabrics together before sewing the two sides of the scarf together.
For me, this width of fabric was a little too much. And some of that was probably the denim. So I altered the instructions for the rest of my scarves so they would only be half this width.
For the remaining scarfs I simply measured the width of the fabric to be 14″ then folded the material over so that the final width of the scarf would be 7″. This cut down on my sewing time making these scarves super quick to put together! Again I pieced together fabrics from my stash.
The floral scarf is a combination sheer striped pink with a satiny floral. Its fairly lightweight and differs from the others because the floral remnant was only 7″ wide to begin with so I had to back it with the sheer fabric.
The gray scarf (my favorite!) is a lightweight sequin fabric paired with a gray polyester.
I made a second denim scarf paired with the eyelet lace cotton, but half the width of the first one.
The striped scarf is another lightweight sheer fabric and is paired with a lightweight navy fabric. Since it is so lightweight and perfect for spring and summer, I made it a little longer than the others so it won’t get too warm around the neck.
To finish off each of the scarves and make them come full circle, I folded the unfinished ends of each scarf in, ironed them flat, tucked one end into the other, then sewed the ends together. To hide the seam when wearing the scarves, simply place the seam at the back of your neck.
Infinity scarves make great gifts, and I gave several of them to my girlfriends. Luckily they also agreed to model for me!
Don’t they look fab?
I have more scarves planned. Here’s a look at the fabric I found in my stash to use.
1 and 2 are paired up and ready to go. 4 and 5 have enough material not to need to be paired with something else, but both are stretchy knits which I haven’t worked with before. I’ll have to get the knit foot on the sewing machine and use special needles for them. 3 and 6 are cute sheers but need more fabric remnants paired with them. I’ll have to see what I can find to pair with them.
Is this a project you think you would pursue?
I have to say, going from 0 infinity scarves to 3 in my own stash and several more made for friends feels pretty good! Its definitely less expensive than buying them, and I can color coordinate with my wardrobe!
Linking up to Flamingo Toes, Today’s Creative Blog, The Shabby Creek Cottage, Tidymom, Whipperberry,
My Repurposed Life, 30 Days, Tatertots & Jello, Serenity Now, and other great parties found on my party page.

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Wednesday 22nd of April 2015
what length did you do these? Can't seem to find in instructions?
Betsy Finn
Friday 21st of March 2014
Nice fun project! Thanks for sharing :)
Laura - Eye Candy Creative Studio
Thursday 20th of March 2014
Looks like a fun project & who doesn't love scarves? ;) Finding you through the SNAP 'show & tell'. Nice to 'meet' you. =)
Beverly {Flamingo Toes}
Tuesday 18th of March 2014
Oooooh! I love these so much!! Yours are so cute and you and your friends look so sweet in them! I agree - they make perfect gifts! Thanks so much for the shoutout too!! You are the best. ;)
Tuesday 18th of March 2014
I love infinity scarves!! They are so fun and versatile. Love the pattern/prints you chose. I need to either get my sewing machine fixed (it was given to me by my husband's grandmother) or get a brand new one. I've been hinting at a new one so we will see. I'd love to make these...much cheaper than buying them. Thanks for sharing :)